Wednesday Jun 01, 2022

22 \\ Being a Christian in day to day life - lessons from funeral ministry [PART 1]

Hi friend,

Do you love God but sometimes struggle to see what it means to be a Christian in your day-to-day life? Maybe you are working at a burger joint, binding up wounds in a hospital or typing away e-mails for a living. Whoever you are and whatever you do for a living - you are still a Christian and we are all called to be followers of Christ in our daily life. I went to a funeral ministry workshop two weeks ago and was expecting to learn about funerals and caring for those who have lost a loved one. I learned a lot about that. BUT most of all I realized that funeral ministry is just another area of showing the world that Jesus is for real. I took away many lessons which are not just applicable in funeral ministry but are really important applications for my day-to-day life. I want to share these insights with you, because I believe that being aware about them helps us to do life in a more fruitful and conscious way.


I pray this blesses you.




Archana Jacob

Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor



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