Wednesday Aug 10, 2022

32 \\ Summer Series - My Q2 Recap on my BUSINESS GOALS and LIFE GOALS - How I have been doing so far in 2022

Hi friend,



Do you have a big audacious goal in your life? A dream so big you almost do not dare thinking about it let alone speaking to anyone about it?! Let me just assure you that you are not alone. This show is called Moonshot Entrepreneur for a reason. We all have some kind of big goals that sound like a moonshot. The goal might be even so big that taking action sounds scary and messy. But hey, being an entrepreneur is often tied to having courage. It does not matter whether you are a real-life entrepreneur or an "entrepreneur" in the sense that you work on achieving your moonshot goals. What matters is that you bring the courage to the table to set yourself some goals in order to get to the end goal. Courage does not end there however. You also need courage to take a hard look at how you are doing at accomplishing them. Are you moving the needle forward in meaningful ways? I am here to remind you, that there is a lot of discipline that goes into taking inventory of your life on a regular basis. In this episode, I take inventory of the first half of my 2022. You will hear how I came to set myself goals for this year. You will also learn which business goals and life goals I had and how I am doing up to this point. I hope this inspires you to do the same for your life. Because only if you do, can you conquer the moonshot dreams about your life. 


I pray this blesses you.




Archana Jacob

Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor



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