Wednesday Sep 28, 2022

39 \\ My SPOUSE is STANDING IN THE WAY - 3 things to consider if your spouse is NOT SUPPORTIVE

Hey my friend,



You are fired up for your business idea but your spouse is just not on board with it? An entrepreneur's life can be a tough act. Especially if you are just starting out and trying to balance things out. There might be resentment and bitterness or even a hard-no from your spouse. And maybe, you are starting to second guess yourself too. All these thoughts might be spinning in your head. Is entrepreneurship really the way to go? Should I do this? Then you get frustrated and get resentful towards your spouse. Why is he standing in the way? Or why is he so slow to understand! Do not fret my friend. In this episode I share 3 things to consider before you give up on your spouse or on your entrepreneurial idea. I share with you what will make navigating this tough phase easier.

I pray this blesses you.




Archana Jacob

Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor



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