MOONSHOT ENTREPRENEUR – Wealth Creation for Christians

The #1 Podcast to learn about creating a financially abundant life. **** TOP 10 ENTREPRENEURSHIP PODCAST **** Are you finding yourself strapped for cash even before your next paycheck? Do you wish you had more time to spend with your kids and spouse, rather than having to chase money? Are you struggling to figure out the steps needed to improve your financial situation? Does a financially abundant life sound like a moonshot to you? There is a way to make money, and still lead a purpose-driven, balanced Christian life! Hey friend, I’m Archana Jacob, Christian Business Woman and Coach. Thanks to my diverse life experiences, including being a senior executive in corporate, entrepreneur, MBA graduate and through personal insights as a disciple of Christ, ministry leader, wife, and mom, I provide actionable tips and practical know-how to turn your life around. In this podcast, I will teach you: - How to create and grow your wealth, while keeping your debt to a minimum - How to use practical financial know-how when investing money - How to turn a simple business idea into a legit money-making business and become an entrepreneur - How to recognize and leverage opportunities for creating passive income - How to teach your children the basics of money management and financial literacy - How to thrive as you develop a biblically sound mindset around business, family life and personal wealth creation Buckle up! I’m about to show you how to take charge of your finances and your life balance - with God at the center of it all. Cheers, Archana Archana Jacob ¦ Coach, Christian Entrepreneur, Business Woman & Investor ****** Learn -> Connect-> Community -> Archana on Social Media -> Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana: Topics covered: investment for beginners, personal finance, creating passive income streams, financial coaching, start business, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship for beginners, investing for beginners, business strategy, clarity on business idea, vision, goal setting, career planning, financial coaching, financial literacy for kids, teach finances to children, Christian mom, Christian wife

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Wednesday Sep 28, 2022

Hey my friend,
You are fired up for your business idea but your spouse is just not on board with it? An entrepreneur's life can be a tough act. Especially if you are just starting out and trying to balance things out. There might be resentment and bitterness or even a hard-no from your spouse. And maybe, you are starting to second guess yourself too. All these thoughts might be spinning in your head. Is entrepreneurship really the way to go? Should I do this? Then you get frustrated and get resentful towards your spouse. Why is he standing in the way? Or why is he so slow to understand! Do not fret my friend. In this episode I share 3 things to consider before you give up on your spouse or on your entrepreneurial idea. I share with you what will make navigating this tough phase easier.
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
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(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)

Friday Sep 23, 2022

Hey my friend,
Do you find yourself in the space where you are denying yourself any expenditure at all? Maybe, you have invested in building up your own business and finances are really tight or you are working on paying back your debt. Or maybe you have decided that you need to cut back on expenses in order to achieve a big financial goal. As a result, you refuse to sign up for a training that you so desperately need or put of hiring an assistant for your new business even though you are drowning in work. Sometimes, it's wise to cut back. However, you are doing yourself a great disservice if you fail to invest now into something that will pay off in the long run. Managing your money well is so important. However, there is a difference between being thrifty and being just cheap. Let's say you have a car and never get it properly serviced. Sooner or later you it will break down because you did not take care of it at the proper time. Being in a financially tough spot can feel like you have no other options left on the table. I get this. I've been there too. But I am here to tell you today, that there you can invest in that training you so desperately need to up-skill yourself without breaking the bank. Nowadays, there are so many ways to get affordable help in your business and even around your home. This means however, that we have to overcome the mindset of "not having enough" and of "never being able to afford it". It's time for us to be resourceful. After all, isn't this one of the greatest business skills? Being resourceful and imaginative with what you have in order to create new services and increase profitability is what has made many businesses great. So, take this as a challenge. In today's episode I share with you 7 Hacks to overcome financially tough phases in your personal life through resourcefulness.
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
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(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

Hey my friend,
Does this sound familiar to you: Your kid hit his head and cries at the top of his voice  while you are having a sales pitch on Zoom. Or, your daughter walks into the room for the 10th time while you are trying to finish the presentation so that you end up yelling at her and making her cry. Then you became so frustrated with yourself and the mom guilt is just eating you when you are tucking in your little one that night because you feel like a bad mother. You know what? The struggle is REAL. I've been there too. I have also struggled so many times to do all the things and be all the things to everyone at the same time. It often left me feeling like a loser, especially when I realized that I had been mean to my little one because I was stressed out. Do you feel the same sometimes? On one hand you love your kids and you really want to spend time and be a great mum to your  children. On the other hand, you are also passionate about business and really want to make it work. This does not have to be a contradiction. Nor are you supposed to have Mum guilt. I share with you 5 strategies to get rid of mom guilt!
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
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(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)

Friday Sep 09, 2022

Hey my friend,
Being your own boss is great. However, it does not only bring perks with it. Especially if you are starting out, you will have to fill in more than one role to get your business to thrive. You are the owner, the CEO, the CFO and the COO at the same time. So, how do you handle this? How do you make sure that you take the right decisions, especially if you are not experienced in a certain area? Today we’ll look at the Financial Responsibility that comes with being an Entrepreneur. What does it mean to be the Chief Financial Officer of your business? What do you need to be aware of? What kind of aspects do you have to think through when you make decisions? How do you make sure that you plan ahead and keep flexible at the same time to deviate from the plan when a new opportunity arises? You’ll know the answer at the end of this episode. Enjoy your listen.
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
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(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

Hey my friend,
Are you living a crazy entrepreneur life? Today, I wanna share the entrepreneur tips & life hacks from the Proverbs Chapter 31 Woman. Maybe you have heard about her before and feel that she is a super woman. Or, maybe you just feel that this is not relevant to you because the proverbs 31 woman sounds cray-cray and you are pretty sure that she is a complete workaholic! That was exactly my thought a few years ago. That is until I discovered that actually this woman is actual not for real, but that she is described as the ideal of a woman. The thing is however, that we cannot just brush over it just because she is an "ideal". When we dig deeper, we discover that she is actually a great role model for all Christian mom entrepreneurs who are trying to rock this show called life! Take a listen and learn the entrepreneur tips and life hacks from the bible. I promise you my friend, this ancient woman can really teach you some tricks!
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
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(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)

Friday Aug 26, 2022

Hey my friend,
Are you so busy that you feel like you can't breathe anymore? I am not speaking about the normal levels of busy. I am speaking about a prolonged period of business where you try to do all the things at the same time: Starting a business while still being in corporate, manage a household, be there for your kids, take care of the health - just while the microwave exploded and your dog peed in the house?! If that is you, you need help! Not just a quick-fix productivity tip but something that goes deeper than that. I share with you 5 simple steps to get your life back in order! The result will HIGH PRODUCTIVITY, FOCUS and TIME FOR SELF-LOVE!
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
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(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022

Hey my friend,
Are you slowly about to resuming your life again after the summer break but somehow feeling not good about "going back"? Maybe your kids are going back to school and you are about to getting back to a work environment that has been rather negative. During the summer break it is easier to forget about these things that make life so hard sometimes. However, as soon as you get back the latent fear comes back to mind that it's going to be hard once again. It's hard to put down the finger on the issue but somehow you feel that things are not going to be good for you after the break. My friends, It does not have to be that way. You do not have to be stressed out to go back to work - even if you happen to work in a toxic environment. Nor do you have to be overwhelmed with your family's schedule getting busier again. In this episode, I share with you 3 Time Management Tweaks that help you to retain the good things about the summer break - time to breathe, to be, to reflect and to enjoy spending time together. Do not worry my friend. Together, we can rock this show called life!
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
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Connect with Archana on Facebook
(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022

Hi friend,
Do you have a big audacious goal in your life? A dream so big you almost do not dare thinking about it let alone speaking to anyone about it?! Let me just assure you that you are not alone. This show is called Moonshot Entrepreneur for a reason. We all have some kind of big goals that sound like a moonshot. The goal might be even so big that taking action sounds scary and messy. But hey, being an entrepreneur is often tied to having courage. It does not matter whether you are a real-life entrepreneur or an "entrepreneur" in the sense that you work on achieving your moonshot goals. What matters is that you bring the courage to the table to set yourself some goals in order to get to the end goal. Courage does not end there however. You also need courage to take a hard look at how you are doing at accomplishing them. Are you moving the needle forward in meaningful ways? I am here to remind you, that there is a lot of discipline that goes into taking inventory of your life on a regular basis. In this episode, I take inventory of the first half of my 2022. You will hear how I came to set myself goals for this year. You will also learn which business goals and life goals I had and how I am doing up to this point. I hope this inspires you to do the same for your life. Because only if you do, can you conquer the moonshot dreams about your life. 
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
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(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)

Thursday Aug 04, 2022

Hi friend,
I hope you are enjoying your summer. I sure am. We had a couple of days on the beach and it was fabulous. Were you also able to get on the plane to fly somewhere? Tell me honestly: Are you fed up flying economy class?! Do you wish you had more financial stability? Or maybe, you have some other trigger points. Someone you know gets promoted to a well-paying position, your neighbor is driving that fancy car or your friends have the sort of money to get on vacation more frequently... Have you caught yourself saying "this sucks!"? Do you feel left out all the time? Let me tell you my friends, it doesn't have to be that way. If you want more financial stability, you  need to set the path to your personal financial freedom. In this episode, I share with you the thoughts and beliefs that can hold us back and get us off track. I also speak about what kind of action you have to take to get on the right track to financial freedom.
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
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Connect with Archana on Facebook
(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022

Hi friend,
Are you spending your summer being anxious and worried about your future? If you are stressed about right now, this week's episode is absolutely for you.
A couple of weeks ago I was driving myself crazy because of the work load and the different areas I have to juggle in my life. I clearly had underestimated a few things and forgotten to plan in time to get some things done before the summer break! As I was freaking out, God reminded me to be still in him. He led me to remember how God has showed up for me in the past - specifically in the first 6 months of this year. As I thought about how he has showed up for me my attitude started to change. I could notice that gratefulness and peace was kicking in. I can recommend you to do the same and take an inventory of the first six months of this year - even if you are not under stress. How has God showed up for you? This is an excellent reflection we all should do half way through the year.
I pray this blesses you.
Archana Jacob
Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor
Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana:
Check out the Website
Connect with Archana on Facebook
(Click join to be part of the Moonshot Entrepreneur Facebook Group Community)


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